116 results
- -d mc :•> POI . uU Urs. Kennedy and Kergan, as he bad
T h e y h a v e t a k e n t h r e e or f o u r w e e k s
ti) lie ii tr« at ment ti'.ai tl-.'-m himself and knew they were square
ia"d ."Uillful. Jl'- Utut*; them and Kot the Mjv Methud iriaton t h
- -president Roosevelt ws« dead had
proved true. They might have squeezed
a t e a r out of one eye, but t h e other
would have winked gleefully.
J . S. Kennedy, a New York man who
died a few days ago gave $25,000,000 to
various charitable institutions. He cut
- lor tweuty-livn >t'aiM.
i 48 Shelby Street,
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
NEW DISCOVERY Pbotograpby.
Priccs Low
No Cure
•' 1 •. '?
"f had a very bad case of heart
trouble. For nix months 1 could not
work. I