Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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116 results

  • BLOOD DISEASES CURED Photography. In all its Branches. Myron Harcourt. JAMES GREACEN. Fire Insurance D S KENNEDY& KERGAN R 15 Old Line Companies, L }jj i | oX James Greacen's Real Estate Agency. Build a H o m e ? Business Building!' Farms
  • , Ki Mintiiiu •! ;iii»l Attsoiutelj Pcrffci-l-'itiiiiij fapi-r i'atterua. MS""Alt DRS. KENNEDY 8 KERGAN Friccs Reasonable K & K K & K K & K K & K All SiMim Alitmvd and PrrforatkMW show tlic Bdstinu and Srwino linei. Only K. nml l i t.vnl'i fat
  • were re elected as follows: President, A. E. P a l m e r ; cashier, II. D. Wballey. Directois—A. E. Palmer. W. C F r e e —Mrs. Mary Kennedy died of con man, E. B. Babcock, W. Lewis, G. F . sumption, at her home in Clearwater Bow, W. H. Bockes, II. B