Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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10 results

  • fifty of the week. Company, at Kennedy, Wis,, and has years ago, and its remarkable growth Mr. H. Hay ward weijt to Nebraska, removed to that place. " H e r b . " is an since. Many beautiful instrumental and last week. He expects to be absent experienced
  • and allowing Hald account and aHsipigreat deal to my friend for giving me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera meadow this year, young orchard, some The next rugular meeting of the club nient of wxiduc of said estate. IT 18 notice and Diarrhoea Kennedy
  • . and Mrs. Win. Hunter, wen* at Traverse City, Thursday. Mrs. .1, S. Hodges,of Fife Lake, and Mr. Kennedy, of Cadillac, were in town Saturday, on business. The Latter Day Saints will hold their two-days' meeting here Saturday and Sunday, September 2d and .1
  • in the morning. Mr. Charles Wellman has been spending the past week with her parents at Bellaire. Eleven members of the local lod^e of Odd Fellows attended the school of instruction given by Past Grand Master Kennedy, at Kalkaska hist Wednesday evening. Dr. S. E
  • picnic a t Snowflake, Antrim Co., l u t Wednesday. Mesdames Charles and Wilmer Williams a r e entertaining their sister, Mrs. Kennedy, also Mrs. Gilbert, a friend from Bad Axe. Mrs. Carrie O'Neal has returned to her home in St. Louis, also Mr. and Mrs. N
  • " in the Bacon building, on Third street. - M r s . H. C. Murphy, of Kennedy, Wis., is here the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. Cronin. —The teurhers are all home or visiting friends and relatives during their Easter vacatMh, this week. - J . S, Gasper
  • r i n g t o n and family l e f t for Riverview T h e Michigan Child W e l f a r e L e a g u e home a t Cadillac, Friday. Ohio, T u e s d a y . Miss Soper visited Miss Smith of and Mrs. Mildred IJ. Kennedy, d i s t r i c t Loren Kunyon has moved his