Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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19 results

  • ? the year. was; G. Donald Kennedy, director of the cuticle at the base of each nail with education that Western State T e a c h - | W n g the greetings of the state to of them, as I was only lf> when marportant to tighten the loosened skin ers' college led
  • y a s - 1 il JUS 1• # & m. 1 CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS o p p o r t u n i t y t o m e e t a n d h e a r Dr. of Bay Calling c a r d s and wedding s t a - H u g h Kennedy, p r e s i d e n t ti nery at T h e L e a d e r office. Many View Assembley a n
  • DIES IN CALIFORNIA Death a Shock to liOcal Residents. P. M. Kennedy of Ohio was f i n e d $10.00 and costs of $4.40 f o r having under-sized blue gills in his possession, h a v i n g c a u g h t them a t Kittle Lake. O f f i c e r s Hicking
  • last Sunday. the home of Grant Luce. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Malsteo Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Etzwere Sunday visitors at the M. corn were Sunday visitors at gtrumlauf home. Tom Stadden's. "^Mrs. H. L. Holbrook was a Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Kennedy idillac visitor
  • ,| This filling will keep several days in ! Just to matcher her hair Merna Were written all tho joy and grief a closed jar in the ice box. However, j Kennedy purchased this ferocious Thenceforth my fate to he. it will need creaming before it can bei' Love t h a t