19 results
- to
mon. I n t e r m e n t was made in the
children were born. Mrs. W. P. Huff- t> 1 v
1 1 -i.
took a sleigh ride Tuesday evening of and Mrs. Dean Lewis and d a u g h t e r
Paul Kennedy, baritone, banjo, saxo- Mr. Fleming of Rapid C.ty for a carLodi
- n g t h e Facta—Dr.
" L i f e Service"—Rev. W. E . Ragan.
"Christian Stewardship"—Rev. A.
A. Stephens.
" O u r Evangelistic P r o g r a m " — R e v .
Samuel Brooks.
" P u t t i n g t h e Church to Work—Unit Organization and T r a i n i
- , A r t h u r Bleazby. Altice, and Mrs. Millard Towers.
Bertie Billings, Tillie Cross, Lib- It was held in t h e M. E. church
bie Getty, F a n n i e Getty, Fredi Tuesday, Oct. 4th. conducted by
Gilman, J o h n n i e Haynes, Willie Rev. Kennedy. T h e
- thing by not signing up Aimee and
Struck by a motorist who did not
drove to Lake City Sunday to attend
and childnn attracted neighbors.
Blue Lake, Stucco on building, n Mather Kennedy for a ten-round arstop, M n . August Schreiber of Hess