47 results
- , Development Bureau Bridge Committee;
Ben 6 . Wright, Manager, Alpena
Chamber of Commerce; G. Donald
Kennedy, Chairman of the Mackinac Straits Bridge Authority;
James Cissel, Professor of Engineering at the University of Michigan; Frank Masters
- this quiet ofliee was to lie
rucli of ealls t h a t nitn-i alt* ml a n d
Fitzgerald arc working in accord, Walter Kennedy.
the scene of danger — and resolute
eomlial a n y |»iil>lie e i n c r g e n e y .
which involves no surrender on either
Cecil Formea
- was a Kalkaska
Arthur Myers home,
caller Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and two
T h e little son of Mr. a n d Mrs. J o e
daughters of Kalamazoo w e r e recent
Voice is convalescing f r o m his serguests of Mr. and^Mrs. P. N. Sterne.
ious illness.
Mrs. Kennedy
- Kennedy.
their money."
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Myers and Mr.
and Mrs. Otho McCullen were Traverse
City callers one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howe of ManUB
celona visited Mr. and Mrs. Ford
Munn Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Nelhardt callMr. and Mrs
T h e m e m b e r s of t h e E a s t Boardson t h a n this. Governor Fitzgerald these projects. E v e r y m s n , w o m s n ful t o add t h e word "net".
guest at the TFIlter Kennedy home. m a n c h u r c h wish to t h a n k those w h o
should be r e