Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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47 results

  • , Glenn Raupe, A. Kennedy, all of Washington, D. C.! *«Wcks and •Farmers Clubs, Community Clubs, County Agricultural Agent Roy Fillmore, Melvln Krumlauf, booka to the Michigan State Library. will be discussed at this meeting will The Plymouth had the front
  • of claims and demnn ls against said do- W a l t e r Kennedy brought their decorKalkaska. ceased. ; atlons. At a session of said Court, held at It is Further Ordered. That public F i f t h and Sixth Grades the Probate Office hi the Village of n o t i c e
  • of a "Tudor" purchased Saturday. DARRAGH Mrs. W. Kennedy and Mrs. Hines of Kalkaska were callers at Darragh one night lust week. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Thorington and Mr. and Mrs. Bronson were Mancelona callers Saturday evening. Clyde Dean lost a calf one day l
  • at the Devine home S T A T E O F MICHIGAN, COUN- o'clock Sunday afternoon. nk Line Road n u m b e r M - l l l TY O F INGHAM. IS Mr, McCarty gave a short talk Thursday evening. Mr. a n d Mrs. Louie Scheffler I Boardman township, Kalkaska I, G. Donald Kennedy
  • vehicles behind t h e t o t a l f o r t h e s a m e period in 1987. T h e t o t a l s t h r o u g h J u l y 4 a r e 64,146 vehicles f o r 1937 a n d 64,109 f o r t h e game period in 1988. G. Donald Kennedy, d e p u t y state hfchway commissioner, pointed