Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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72 results

  • or of any Interest therein as appear ing by t h e records in the office at t h e Register of Deeds of said County. dec.l9,«.Jan.M G. Donald Kennedy —recently advanced to the head order be served of the state highway department F R A N K CRITCl'"'forc ,t
  • is pleasefl ited t o t a k e part. So brush up which are suppoBedly for expense missioner G. Donald Kennedy this with t h e fine reaction on the part on your hobby and come to the promotions in accountB on the State Highway. week announced of teachers, board
  • of national defense, L. Fesesnden. Mrs. C1 e s s o n City, with Evangelist A. B Petoskey or T r a v e r s e City opera weather," said Kennedy. "If snow but even dares to refuse to obey Schretir. Mrs. W. C. Hewitt. Mrs. "ley. of Detroit, speaking tors, which
  • Add. to Village of Kalkas ka. Kenneth Bobbins, etal to Syl vester L. Stear and wife, E % of WJ of NWJ and N J of SWJ, Sec 8, T 26 N. R 7 W.' Michael Gassel and wife to Samuel S. Kennedy and wife, W J of NEJ. Sec. 19, T 26 N, R 7 W. T h e Board
  • to, and a In the matter of the petition of line 116 feet N ly of and psrallel A number o f l h T Evergreen la» PARCEL C-113 Damag'-s 5' G. Donald Kennedy, as State High to the centerllne of U8-181 as surPARCEL CM18 and (M1H dies attended the Home Economic ' 0 " B . « H 4