72 results
by lightning Saturday forenoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kail and
Mrs. Clifford Hail were Sunday
af'ernoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs
Wellington Ryckman.
Mrs. Sam Kennedy is visiting
her daughter and family in Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen and
Hobble of Mancelona
- .”
fabric out of shape.
als and medical supplies. Today it must do
T h at th e req u e st o f M rs. W a lte r
Kennedy to
p u rch ase lo ts in
Block M. O riginal P la t of th e
tptmtrtd k f
of Alcoholic Hnetut* Indutlria, /m
Village of K alkaska be
for payment of $2,200,000 1o county road commissions throughout
Of the total. S2.000.000 represents the second half of f u n d s
appropriated to the counties un
der the McNitt
township road
law. State HiRhway Commissioner G. Donald Kennedy explained