Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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72 results

  • of lowT h e Seniors wish to thank In the I. O. O. F. hall Tuesdsy McLain was cited a s an excelbidders. State l l i f h w a v Commis- lent set shooter and opponents their many friends who attended evening. April 8. All members of sioner ('< Donald Kennedy
  • advice, all Inif . Hion K e l e c t a director on the ter, State Highway Commissioner for the listening! qualifications and then G. Donald Kennedy •his week Worship service 11:4S to 12:4S. baf.ls o ( A cordial welcome la extended vLined motorists
  • , Hetore Thy ever blazing throne vVe ask no luster of our own - O l i v . . r Wendell Holmes LANSING—SUte Highway Com missioner G. Donald Kennedy this week submitted vouchers to the Auditor General for the return of more than $1,600,000 in weight
  • and Mesdames Fred Schreur, Prank Bellinger, Don Rugg, Ben Stlmer. Ernest Fudge, Ed Scbepperley. Chancy Leach and Charles Wilmout nnd friend; and John KI u m p p, Alvah Montgomery. Noah McLain and Buster Stlmer. Si te Highway Com. Kennedy was present and gave
  • agents In the United States num-j Tuwday-Wednesday-ThurKday December 10-11-12 tiered some 4,500., Because he frankly opposes' the MICKEY ROONEY and JUDY GARLAND United States entering the war i —In— Ambassador Joseph Kennedy. American envoy al London, has