152 results
- nK v «'"• the Snmuel Kennedy home. Mrs. Reader': 3 DiKest. We enjoyed It.
toniey fee of 125.00 provided by |iu;ier accompanied him on TuesWe learned "The Lonely Little
l:iw and in sai l nuirtgage. the djiy. back to the base where they Robin" song last
- - for purposes of record or evibe made by the Board of CanJ e s s i e Stuck. Frank Fitzgei
v a s s e r s : whose members are 1. past president and a member of clared Dr. Harold Byram,
who dence.
.and R o b e r t Kennedy.
Club welcomed the group on behrlf
- . Mother Kennedy, each
T h e Circle Or,
Benefit T e a
15 liam Kitti. Grace Newell, Stanand baby were dismissed March handed sentences of 2 to
years. These defendants were al- ley Kimball, Clesson Miller, Lee held at the home of Mrs, Sylvia
Leach last
- School and Chamber of
Wells, Leo Clark, Richard Brown, Tanner, Gerald Guy, Anna May care.
to look over the machinery and community for the children. "Lit- Commerce:
Everyone is invited to attend.
Field Crops:
Cot'on; Fuller, J a n e