Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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152 results

  • and report a fine time. ' Yvonne were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lennox leti ihe Arthur Hart family and the J Monday for Chicago before leav- Jim Jones' of Garfield. j ing for their home in IntorlochMr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy j e n Florida
  • d t home. T h e Kennedy's Carol IJir«y j original state. T h e uncontrolled m a k o some competition for those left for Walla Walla W a s h i n g t o n Norman fironer 1 runoff of w a t e r which robs tin monthly prizes. T u e s d a y evening, w h e r
  • and Orrin Fisher. H E R E FOR SIX F U N E R A L Tractor Maintenance—Max Ai- nie Golden. Paul Beaver, J e r r y Guy, DeRay Lund, J e r r y Guy. | Ian. T h o s e from a w a y who came Fanner Award—Jimmy T u f f t s Douglas Scott. Roverc. Kennedy. to attend
  • .- . ! , , v l U I N , W j Hirgy. r e l a t i o n s h i p s of adults, a n d hope< glc. Mrs. U y c k - | ' ' "P'-fators. Hogwrheide. iHmald Hubble. J a c k i e j phone w a s a m u d i needed » i.n t h e Kennedy f a r m . | venlelice. j m a n o p e r a t e d
  • Lovo Mr. and Mrs. Guy Love, Sr. home, Mr. SamueJ Kennedy made a and family l - t p trip to Clare Monday with a load I 'j>m Wfi Every big squire package of Mother s Oats offers an exciting double value! Because money can't buy a finer quality, more