Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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152 results

  • , „ ^ „ Ethel Kennedy, Libby Vyverberg Kalkaaklan. and that the fidu- Village of Kalkaaka in aald Coun-, ly, my weakness prohlbita me wrltlI1~^;cli; | t ,, |m. • nnd LaVerne Ryckman. Tho next C | a r j r cause a copy of thla noilct ty era the 28th day'of
  • for : Z i » r " ™n lleimblta.,, leaders at a oi Kalkaska County, to Mr. Don ,, y h , nrilf crnment who made these infam was also the birthday anniversary sale. T h e r e will also be a fish " ' , 1 '" " - ^ c l a l meeting to l.e held In ahl A. Kennedy
  • . NIGHT SUPPER, KALKASKA by Sen. Charleni trip. N a t i o n s Capital The Michigan legislator la'.ed I I I K & l k d S k d jf you drive over -m miles per The Scenic Trails Council (4,-i A-3c Charles E. Kennedy son Potter and Rep. Miss Ruth The next meeting
  • Brown. FORICLOtURI thia locality attended a party a t Mr. and Mrs. Victor Woodg r n a . Marsh. 1171 spring b a f u n r and bake anle a t ! E l h e | Kennedy. Goldle Colborn. hama and Mra. Julia Woodhama t h e KUtlo home in F i f e Lake Publlahed Every T
  • Kennedy returned to her home Thursday after spending fcepttwsfi folol loxes, collecfsd in several weeks with her daughter •Kt UnHed Stoles by Psdtrol Stole and family at Bay City. and locol (counllei, citits) Govtr* Sir. and Mrs. Herbert Etzcorn menu
  • CommiBRioner Donald Kennedy in 1943 and was re-elected twice t h e r e a f t e r to four-year terms. Ziegler was re-elected by a staggering majority over Councilman Eugene 1. VanAntwerp, f o r m e r Detroit mayor. Other winners, all Republicans, a r e
  • - CIRCLE ONE Kennedy. K.-b K. Y M Home Kc » luh 'lien again It may be guilt." After t h e business meeting re- Bertha Hansen. Bernlce Tinker B , . n t l . d t u l h o Tosiers for the | After the business was 'aken FVh. 17 Circle 3. freshments of jello
  • a t : A singb* treatment of of local f a n s a r e expected to patient of Meadowbrook hospital Mr and Mrs S a m u e l Kennedy four children. Sherry. Delores. b e r g to 11. Dean Gelger. son of follow t h e t e a m to Grayling. Bellalre. o f South
  • Sharp Fife Lake m // SCHOOL The nurse visited us for a lilBy Mra. Oscar Anderson itle while today. l»re spending this week with ieMr. and Mrs. L. I). BelliiiRer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kennedy! hitives In Saginaw. Mrs. Harvey Saldla. Mrs. CharKathy won