83 results
- afternoon.
The community r e g r e t s the
p a s s i n g of Mr. Cecil Kennedy of
T o r c h River Road Sunday night.
B a k e d Goods
F resh
Buttermilk Fried Cakes
Sweet Rolls - Cookies - Pies - Pastries
- -Off game in
M i a m i . Florida, a n d tour C a p e
Kennedy and the Air S p a c e
W h e n y o u r e g i s t e r you also get
a free T i p s Book w h i c h is l o a d e d
w i t h s t o r i e s and t i p s on p u n t i n g ,
passing a n d k i c k
- . and M r s . W.R. Kennedy of
Mrs. C l a r e Hager called on Kalkaska were Sunday dinner guM r s . Mae Jeneks Wednesday, e s t s of Mr. and M r s . E a r l Walters
Mr, and M r s , Lawton Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Aldrldge
were in Grand Rapids Wednes
- Langdon Bridenbaugli of Blue Lake; and Mrs.
Clarence Pitman of Cambridge
City, Indiana,
Making headlines in every paper all over the Nation, was
that of President Kennedy's a s sassination. Alsi
making the
h e a d l i n e s was that Mr, and Mrs
- Clerk
.Iiidge of Probate
ii2S. dii, 12-c
Nancy Ritter; Grade 4—Laura Du- the boys and girls, who by theli of Fourth Street be changed to
pule, Patrick Hubble, "Margarei f! forts deserved to ho on the Kennedy Street
- devotions with the
reading of President Kennedy's
favorite Scripture. Missionary
president, Audrey Irish, presented a very interesting program
based on "World Day of Praye r " . As some of the material
had belonged to her, this took
the form of a Memoriam
Lumbardo" by B. Herndon, Whalen's " T h e Founding Father, The
Story of Joseph P, Kennedy",
and "Albert Schweitzer's Gift
of Friendship" by Erica Anderson.
Week, May 16-22, we chose " M i chigan from its Glorfous Past to
the P r e s e n t " by Allen
- .
With a full heart, Farm Bu- tives; and a determination to p r e reau expresses It's regrets over serve the integrity of the states
the tragic death of our late P r e s i - and local communities through
dent, John Kennedy. He has thus responsible and often