83 results
- was undoubtedly better
than mine." Unquote.
Now what i s ADA. It is the
group known a s Americans f o r
Democratic action. The late John
Kennedy expressed i t this way,
when asked about membership in
It: " I ' m not comfortable with
these people". And one
- all
the way from the "Life of Washington" to Thomas Edison, /. mella Earhart, and John F. Kennedy, are checked out In groat
numbers every day;
The Dr. Seuss books are very
popular with the very young students. The recent interest In
the Kalkaska area
- . Frank Motz in Three lady.
Billy and Holly Scott will en- Rivers, and also visited in MusAdmissions:
tertain some children from their kegon and WhitehaU.
Mrs, William RandeU, Mrs,
rooms at school Monday evening
In the absence of Rev. Abbey, Walter Kennedy
- " have delighted TV viewers
for nearly a dozen y e a r s . She
has also made an a s s o r t m e n t of
other network appearances, most
recently on NBC's daytime panel "You Don't Say!" with Tom
nightly through July 9th
- .
trails have now been built. This
Don Kennedy.
along with the Cross-State Horse
Mr. Harvey Hart and LawI wish to thank my many friends, Trail and other already existrence Hart of Detroit have been
here hunting and visited Mr. neighbors
- won the
Presidency with approximately
three times the popular voteedge held by Kennedy In 1960
when he won over Nixon - p r o viding just that much more of a
" m a n d a t e " from the people 0 Still
Kalkaska, Michigan
f e a r