Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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83 results

  • by air Saturday morning for California where she will visit her son and family Mr. and Mrs, S, E, Nelhardt and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Don Kennedy and f a m ily. Mr, and Mrs. Gary Montgomery and family were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Paul Inglerlght
  • of Kal- made in the lower grades in the Kennedy. Eisenhower. Truman and was held at which the public •njoyed very much. kaska. Deer ran into car. No in- schools in the county and won Hoover have led scores of other could present their views and nients
  • 1 starrinu "ROAD TO HONG KONG" Margaret Rutherford and A r t h u r Kennedy starrinn SUN. • MON.. JULY 10-16 Bob Hope • Joan Collins Biiuj Crosby also "MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE" WATER WIZARDS KINGS OF T H E OUTDOORS COLOR CARTOON
  • a t i n circular head hand-. week e n d s in K a l k a s k a c o u n t y ' s m a t e h i n u Observe Natl. Sehool Lunch Week October 13-19 President Kennedy and Governor Rotnney recently proclaimed October 13-I9 as the second annual national
  • of their program Thelma Strahan, Myrtle Vallad, Kennedy of Anchorage, Alaska, from Kalkaska's Beetles. ing. No injuries, extensive dam- of recent date. Mina Winter and Louise WoodMrs. Raymond (Jean) Gassel of age to car and building. The profits from this assembly
  • , Pauld- useless cars - garage - weeds Dale Kennedy, executive secretary of the Michigan Education Judy McCooO^of 6615 Templeton, fttmbles and the l o c a l s lost two son, Mrs. John Meadows and in- Phoenix, Arizona. This man was ing, Ohio, Lot 14