83 results
- - - ON U.S. 131
bough for the music and singing,
PHONE 369-7111
the members of the Seventh Day
Adventist Church, Mr.and Mrs.
Schwartz and the pallbearers.
Everything was done so beautifully,
Walter Kennedy
- the Judges and general
The number of businesses in
Jay Doe, all of Kalkaska and
Since the fatal moment that removed John F. Kennedy from the
public. This new addition was made necessary in o r d e r to enter Kalkaska County increased by to expedite routine
- , is serving aboard
the a i r c r a f t c a r r i e r USS John
F , Kennedy In the M e d i t e r r a n e a n .
The JFK recently hosted a twoday tour by the Honorable S a r gent S h r i v e r , UJS, Ambassador to
F r a n c e , M r s , Eunice Kennedy
S h r i v e
- ; Harry
Voice; John J. Kennedy, zone
Organization Manager; Pontiac
Motor Division; Don Roab, zone
S e r v i c e Manager; and G.B. Davenspike, a s s t . zone Manager Chevrolet Motor Division. Unable to
be present at the c e r e m o n i e s
w e r e r e p r e
- , Sec. 1?, T27N, R7W (Kal- Daily except Sunday and Holidays j] ) e U H e d .
offenalve Job getting 15 points.
Hours: 9:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M... Construction of a 50 foot by
kaska Twp.)
Mancelona did not get their fast
Phones: Dayc, 258
- an hour, e f fective in 1968, and extending
its c o v e r a g e . "
Other eminent authorities hold
a like view. P r o f e s s o r J a m e s
Tobin, who v a s a member of P r esident Kennedy's Council of Economic Advisers, recently wrote,
"People who lack
- , and Mrs, Artemas Cooper
Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Kennedy at their cottage on Hart Rd. SunIn every type of hunting, young
of Gladwin called at the Sey- day,
of the year always outnumber the
mour Ryckman home on WedMr, and Mrs. Andrew Hendadults