Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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66 results

  • and Kennedy Center. Also, the day. On 8-15-77 the C.E.T.A. Fireduring the week they will particifighters held their meeting. It was pate in sessions relating to an overall awareness of how our a very successful meeting and nation's capital relates to them
  • Road were callers at Rev. Glenn Frye's home Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Becker of Mesa, Arizona and Eckerman, Michigan were with the Fryes overnight Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kennedy of Central Lake were guests of the Fryes after
  • and costs. Marten Prough, South Boardman, failed to report accident, $55.00 fine and costs. Walter Morris, Kalkaska, impaired driving, $180.00 fine and 'costs. Douglas Kennedy, Roseville, transporting open intoxicant, $35. 00 fine and costs. J u d g e
  • for $61.30 B78-14 2 lor $68. 2 for $72, Kennedy 2 for $78.60 TOOL BOXES FOMCO has a ctmplatt llnt-largt and smallstationary and portoMo. A MUM ploto will ptnonallM tWi HIH oMt from Focfetmoot. FOCHTMAN G78-15 A7B-13 whitewall plus $1.74 F.E.T. per tire
  • Jordan, transporting and possession of open intoxicant, $45.00 fine and costs or 3 days. James Waldorf, East Jordan, possession of open intoxicant, $45.00 fine and costs or 3 days. Kathy Kennedy, East Jordan, possession of open intoxicant, $45.00 fine
  • areas. We stopped at Gettysburg on the way and toured the Gettysburg National Cemetery and battlefield. During this week we stayed at the National 4-H Center. Some of the sights which interested us the most in Washington were the Kennedy Center