Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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66 results

  • . Share in the many benefits of membership. NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP $2.00 Yearly LOCAL MEMBERSHIP $1.00 Yearly Membership Open to Kalkaska. Lake City, Manceiona, and Fife Lake Area. Sponsors; Ray, Grove, Anthony Meier, Kalkaska. E. Dale Kennedy, Sewell
  • . Ralph N o r - were week end v i s i t o r s of Mr. and M r s , George Shlvely. wood Sunday afternoon. M r . and M r s , Wilbur Elliott M r . and M r s , Ray Kennedy of visited the f o r m e r s mother M r s , Jackson and Lake Gogebic w e r e r e c e n t
  • k by unknown vehicle, G/17 - C h a r l e s Way, W i l l i a m s b u r g . lost c o n t r o l went off r o a d , 6 / 1 7 - E a r l Kennedy, C e n t r a l L a k e , Glen M i l l e r , Fife L a k e . M i l l e r pulled f r o m stop sign Into s i d e
  • and if we are to take advantage of this original idea and capitalze on it we must have a volunteer right away. Be sure to get your affairs in order before making application. / s / Foster McCool P.S. An invitation was sent to Senator Edward Kennedy thinkint