Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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66 results

  • Neihardt went to her d a u g h t e r ' s home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Peck. From there she will leave for her d a u g h t e r ' s home in Detroit. (Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Husk). She expects to fly to visit Mr. and Mrs. Don Kennedy in Castro Valley. California
  • at Whitmore Lake on Saturday, She will go on to Detroit to visit the Irvin Husk family but expects to be in California around November 10 to spend some time with her daughter and family Mr, and Mrs, Don Kennedy of Castro Valley, California. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew
  • ; Richard Barkowski, f o r m e r South Boardman resident; E l s i e M, B l r g y , Fife Lake; Walter R, Kennedy, Washington; Ella Rodabaugh, Kalkaska; Ralph M, Ohl, Kalkaska; Charles Foulk, Kalkaska; Alvln Lannin, Pontlac, MARCH Headlines in March - Village
  • s ; Raymond E, U.S. Marine Corps spent one day M r . and M r s . Glen Nelhardt of philosophy d e g r e e in Middle A meeting of all Interested In Hayes i r l Kennedy; Mary Ganof his leave visiting M r s , Wood- our exchange student p r o g r a m E