Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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66 results

  • would men in their position risk their c a r e e r s for a few bucks or a bedmate? It didn't m a k e sense. When J F K was president, I heard from a woman who lived in the neighborhood of the Kennedy home in P a l m Beach that JFK was known to give
  • for the celebrities who were in town for the event. I was very excited about this and felt it to be about the best position I could possibly hold at the games. Where else would 1 ever have the opportunity to meet so many well-known personalities? Eunice Kennedy
  • for...your never-ending dedication to helping the mentally retarded through Special Olympics. Sincerely, Eunice Kennedy Shriver President Special Olympics, Inc. Better service I WANT TO TAKE this opportunity to thank all the people who attended the recent
  • of President Kennedy's Task Force on the International Exchange of P e r s o n ' s to r e c o m mend legislative, policy administrative and program changes. Voices from the area Churches of Christ combine to present John W. P e t e r s o n ' s cantata, "Behold
  • T r a v e r s e City f o r San Diego, C a l i f o r n i a to spend s o m e t i m e with the Samuel N e l h a r d t and Paul Kennedy f a m i l ies, M r , and M r s , J a m e s Haan of Fennvllle w e r e v i s i t o r s of M r , and M r s , Andrew H e n