66 results
as mailed out for January
Board meeting. All members
are invited to the dinner and to
listen in on the Board meeting.
All Vinyl
Mrs. Judy Kennedy of Kalkaska; 1 adopted daughter, Linda
Murray of I ^ k e U'elanau; his
mother, Mrs
- of physical ability. They
will m a k e new friends, learn valuable
skills, and develop important confidence in their personal abilities.
" T h e r e is nothing in the world like
Special Olympics," noted Special Oly m p i c s President Eunice Kennedy
- p o l i t a n
Airport. After a short time a i r b o u r n e o u r pilot d i s c o v e r e d s o m e
minor engine trouble. For a p r e c a u t i o n we s t o p p e d at Kennedy
International Airport
f o r two
h o u r s to r e p a i r it. ( F o r s o m