66 results
- called on Mrs. Nelhardtand Mrs,
June 30 - July 7
Barber Friday,
Dr, and Mrs. Dushong of Will9:30 Sunday School
iamsburg, Mrs. Mible Nelhardt
11:00 Morning Worship - Rev, and daughter Joan Kennedy of
Crippen will speak
Castro VaUey, CA,, Mr,and Mrs
I l 0 I I MT
Minn A low •-'itiii
East Boardman News
Mable Neihardt and Mr. and
Mrs. Don Kennedy attended Julia
Peck's wedding and reception
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kennedy,
daughter and son-in-law of Mable
Neihardt, left
Kennedy of Castro Valley of California and Mr. and Mrs. Irvln
Husk of Royal Oak were also
visitors at Mrs. Maude Neihardt's.
Callers at the Zella Campbell
home were Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Hurlburt of Rapid River, also
Burdena Klein of Moorstown and
- Foley,
K. Kennedy; Lot 13, Blk E
Traverse City. Vehicle was eastChippewa Beach.
Leonard I. J a m e s and Cather- bound on 612, going up steep hill,
ine A. his wife to Bryan J. road icy, vehicle slid off road Romberg and wife Valerie A.| struck metal
- n e p h e w . Gerald
Kennedy of Detroit: 3 grand-
• *
> •
7 . 4 . ^ f . h Coming
* J.AM
Revive the original beauty
of your rugs. Cleaned In
your own home
by Yon Schrader
dry-foam method.
No muss. No fuss.
No odor
- to abolish the the 1976 equalization report as from the State Department of
batteries; #5593, film supplies Senator Kennedy, Senate Office
present Kalkaska County Zoning presented. Seconded by Lloyd Education will provide special
#5588, uniform supplies
- Etzcorn, Keith P e t ty, Phyllis Weessies and Jennie
Mrs, Joan Kennedy of Calif,,
M able Niehardt called on the Seymour Ryckmans Saturday a f t e r noon,
Mr, Robert Scully of Jackson
spent Thusday night with Mr,
and Mrs, Clesson Ryckman,
- .
The Kalkaska Public School h a s been
added to the Michigan Education Association 100% United Profession HonorRoll according to Dr. E . Dale Kennedy
MEA executive secretary. United Profession means complete staff membership in the local. State and National
- , Stephen T h o m a s
In Houghton and R i c h a r d Douglas
a t home, his p a t e r n a l g r a n d p a r e n t s , M r , and M r s , J o h n R , S m l t h
In Tunnelton, Indiana and his m a t e r n a l g r a n d p a r e n t s , Mr, a n d M r s ,
S, Kennedy G