Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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64 results

  • wonderful," said Emma Kennedy from her hospital bed as she found out ihe name of a Kalkaska man who she liad callcd by mistake. "A perfect stranger saved my lifp. Thai's wonderful!" The 82-year old woman who lives alone in an apartmeni was nol feeling well
  • the final resting places of Robert and John F. Kennedy and the significance of the eternal flame at the grave of the former president. At the next stop, one boy played a soldier, marching before and keeping watch over the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier while
  • . Brownwood was featured in the magazines " F a v o r i t e Recipes From F a m ous R e s t a u r a n t s " section, in an article •written by Ford Times writer Nancy Kennedy. Accompanying the feature was a color illustration of the Brownwood F a r m h o u s e
  • the East Boardman community gathered at the Rowe School House Thursday evening. May 18, in honor of the Samuel Kennedy, Charles McNair and Stanley Courtnay families. Mrs. Courtnay is completing a year of teaching in the Kalkaska Elementary School
  • , Marie Custer, Cecelia Day, Jenn Dell, Cherese Donnelly, Wayne Parr, Leann Floyd, Charlie Gunning, Stephanie Hammond, Heather Hawkins, John Hine, Merrie Hutchins, Jodi Johnston, Michelle Kahnt, Teresa Keaton, Kellie Kennedy, Maria Krcek, Scott Light, Lisa
  • a Northern Michigan winter? Stop mail order murder bill ON NOVEMBER 22, we mark the 20th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. More than 400,000 Americans have been killed in gunfire since his death. Ironically, on this anniversary
  • of old coins, including m a n y Kennedy half d o l l a r s a n d E i s e n h o w e r one dollar pieces. S e r g e a n t Dyke of t h e Michigan S t a t e Police K a l k a s k a Post, recalled t h a t on F e b . 13 one business owner in the a r e a r e p o