18 results
- night next week for all
students who are planning to apply
for financial aid for college or trade
school. The session will be held
Tuesday, Dec. 16, in the Kalkaska
High School library at 7 p.m. with
high school counselors William
Bricker and Ann Kirtley
- . The
session will be held Tuesday,
Dec. 4 in the Kalkaska High
School library at 7 p.m. with
high school counselors William Bricker and Ann Kirtley,
presenting the program.
Financial aid has been cut in
recent years but there is still
over $16 billion
- and assistance.
4-H Leader, Leelanau County;
Verna Morrison, 4-H P r o g r a m
Workshop d a t e s a r e Wed-
nesdays, F e b r u a r y 23, M a r c h
2, and M a r c h 23, f r o m 7 to 9
p.m. at the Kalkaska High
School Library.
Y m I
necessary. Batteries and repair service for most
m a k e s of hearing aids. Phone 9 4 7 - 4 9 6 0 . Next
947-4960. Next service center dat% is: May 20.
Mancelona Service Center: Wed., May 7. 36-1 tc
? s ?
the Kalkaska High School