Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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  • guilty of GUIL. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail, fined $640, placed on probation for 18 months and must successfully complete outpatient counseling. Pamela Alyce Kennedy, 809 Frankfort Avenue, Elberta, was found guilty of OWI. She was fined $580
  • Program Assistant. Attendees tour many historical sites, such as Gettysburg, Pcnn., Washington, D.C., sites such as the Kennedy C e n t e r , Lincoln Memorial and Arlington National Cemetery. The 4-H'ers also attend workshop sessions that focus on American
  • n t . Our party affiliation is usually inherited. If our parents were Republican, w e Kennedy will be those people allow- But w h a t will most likely happen ed t o participate in the Democratic is tragic. Voters will probably stay
  • Hall of Kalkaska and George Smith of Paint Lick, Kentucky. REV. DICK McCOOL, SPEAKER Paraplegic Chaplain - St. Mary's Hospital, Saginaw " B R A D & PATTY KENNEDY, Musicians Friday-Saturday 7 p.m. 4th and Walnut ssasĀ® S U N D A Y SERVICES AT CHURCH
  • Center in Cleveland (a division of NASA) would provide information at a relatively inexpensive rate. The Lewis center is in charge of many educational programs for this area, he noted. Even though the trip to the Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral