Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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64 results

  • Jill Kies at Business After Hours. NORMAN'S OPTIONAL E M P T I E S EASILY CHAMBER T28N,R6W; Kennedy. Judy K. to Tyler, E l m e r A. and Lucille. Ixrt 2 Repperts Sub. RECHARGEABLE KITCHENS Business After Hours... Permits with a New Style from
  • . Swainson a miniature Kennedy rocking chair planter on behalf of the Kalkaska County Democratic organization. • 0 • Mary Ellen Fitzgerald, 16 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitzgerald of Kalkaska, was crowned the new Miss Kalkaska for 1962
  • Youtheatre. A m e r i c a ' s largest center of professional entertainment for young people. The P l a y e r s a r e known nationally f r o m the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. to the Mark Tabor F o r u m in Los Angeles for their live productions
  • not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country." If ever President Kennedy's statement was applicable, it's now. A. Kingsley Brown Kalkaska • Require schools to open on or anywhere else in the state either. governor
  • "A" or 4.00 grade point average. Those students are: Nicole Wertime, tenth grade; John Kraus and Amy McCool, eleventh grade; Kellie Kennedy and Nicole Runyon, twelfth grade. The following students have a 3.00 to 3.96 grade point average. NINTH GRADE: Angela