Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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259 results

  • wear (15%). The Little Miss Kalkaska (ages 6 - 8 ) talent competition began with Aleeghan Kennedi Nason, who perSee CROWNED, page 8A Courtesy Photo Robert J a m e s W o o d Wood arrested for assault SOUTH BOARDMAN — Robert James Wood, 18, of South
  • Bradley Lee Lewis, 48, 19, of South B o a r d m a n w a s two Kennedy were reportedly of B i g R a p i d s w a s o r d e r e d o r d e r e d to pay $ 3 5 0 in fines d a u g h t e r s got o u t o f t h e i r t r e a t e d at O M H in G a y l o r d
  • for fellow stu- dents on the evolution of recorded sound. Projects included a phonograph and records, clips of old radio shows, and broad- cast interruptions for major events such as the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King
  • i l l have a New Zealand theme, featuring the award winning film Whale Rider on Friday. March 26. Special guests Bryce Kennedy, a New Zealander. and his Birs ^ t **1 Mancelona Boyne City 112 E. State St 112 S. Park St. 231-587-8471 231-582