Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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993 results

  • to, and a In the matter of the petition of line 116 feet N ly of and psrallel A number o f l h T Evergreen la» PARCEL C-113 Damag'-s 5' G. Donald Kennedy, as State High to the centerllne of U8-181 as surPARCEL CM18 and (M1H dies attended the Home Economic ' 0 " B . « H 4
  • (Mr Ntwmptr Over 2,000 fi!22^ In Kilkaiki Conntj Readers Each Week II IfillrMlni Coimty A FUMnuyft • • £ Glory GLUME 0 4 WASNINSTON IWAY COMMISSIONER DONALD KENNEDY PRESENT 0) larpo crowd attended t h e deatlon ceremonies in Kalkanlast
  • , Stephen T h o m a s In Houghton and R i c h a r d Douglas a t home, his p a t e r n a l g r a n d p a r e n t s , M r , and M r s , J o h n R , S m l t h In Tunnelton, Indiana and his m a t e r n a l g r a n d p a r e n t s , Mr, a n d M r s , S, Kennedy G
  • devotions with the reading of President Kennedy's favorite Scripture. Missionary president, Audrey Irish, presented a very interesting program based on "World Day of Praye r " . As some of the material had belonged to her, this took the form of a Memoriam
  • Lumbardo" by B. Herndon, Whalen's " T h e Founding Father, The Story of Joseph P, Kennedy", and "Albert Schweitzer's Gift of Friendship" by Erica Anderson. Week, May 16-22, we chose " M i chigan from its Glorfous Past to the P r e s e n t " by Allen
  • , A r t h u r Bleazby. Altice, and Mrs. Millard Towers. Bertie Billings, Tillie Cross, Lib- It was held in t h e M. E. church bie Getty, F a n n i e Getty, Fredi Tuesday, Oct. 4th. conducted by Gilman, J o h n n i e Haynes, Willie Rev. Kennedy. T h e
  • and Kennedy Center. Also, the day. On 8-15-77 the C.E.T.A. Fireduring the week they will particifighters held their meeting. It was pate in sessions relating to an overall awareness of how our a very successful meeting and nation's capital relates to them
  • . With a full heart, Farm Bu- tives; and a determination to p r e reau expresses It's regrets over serve the integrity of the states the tragic death of our late P r e s i - and local communities through dent, John Kennedy. He has thus responsible and often