Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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993 results

  • n e !• at I " a. in. and a t t h e h e a l t h d e p a i t m o n t office a t t a g e on Rennle Lake. G u e s t s j n e s s l e Kennedy r e t u r n e d to A n n , > ' " , s of Mrs, E. E. H e r s h b e r g e r w e r e Mr. a n d Mrs. C h e s t e r Van
  • hearing f r o m his friends. A/2f Charles E. Kennedy. SOlst Mr. and Mrs. E l m e r Sherwood attended the graduation exercises Combat Defense Sqd.. Box ITS, a t of their niece. Miss Carole Wood, Lockbourno A.F.B., Ohio, would enjoy hearing from all his
  • . having s p f n t the (week end with his brotherW o are very aorry tfiat W a l t e r In-law and KintMr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ulenn Kennedy Is 111 in the Flint hospital. Vari!ason and cannot attend school. - THURSDAY POT H O L I C O R N I R B Mr. and Mra. Haarjr
  • on Mr. and divide It Into xmull Johx. ^ Evelyn Kennedy spent Friday even*; evening. a|nn(r t|le u t „ r a r y D,. 1 h, l l l of human h a p p l n c a nnd decency I'® ' " ' I " "« ' • " » »»» •O* ! Mr. and Mrs. John Marber spout Republican—demonstrating
  • . and Mrs. Norman Rader. low all persons claiming said lands or j Ted Healy • Ed Kennedy The Pedro Club met a t Mr. and lights and Printing, B. W. Cleek and i c o n ^ B ( Kalkaska Saturday ufterhaving bona fide objections to such ; Edward Rugg. Charles
  • been Michigan is still an important ->'1 the sick list with the flu. Hiliary Kennedy of Reedsport lumber state, and lumbermen are Miss Lena Smith of Detroit is O r e , can play two t r u m p e t s a jubilant over 1988 prospects. visiting her f a t h e r