993 results
- in the morning.
Mr. Charles Wellman has been spending the past week with her parents at
Eleven members of the local lod^e of
Odd Fellows attended the school of instruction given by Past Grand Master
Kennedy, at Kalkaska hist Wednesday
Dr. S. E
picnic a t Snowflake, Antrim Co., l u t
Mesdames Charles and Wilmer Williams a r e entertaining their sister, Mrs.
Kennedy, also Mrs. Gilbert, a friend
from Bad Axe.
Mrs. Carrie O'Neal has returned to
her home in St. Louis, also Mr. and
Mrs. N
- '.O, I) Sen leMtiiminitllH III'*! Week.
I4.ยป Shelby S t . Dotrolt, Minli.
Trunks aud Valises
should nc inlerested in llu* UHI* ol
Land Plaster.
1.1 h u m i : r . i .
Oil no r \ v
mIrdonh,V. 1 lo'ici'lo,"- yuhi
- * prepared to give us your best thoughts
Kennedy, were in Traverse City. Mon- on the subjects for discussion, for all
must admit t h a t these a r e times for
Mrs. Moran and sou Martin. Dell thoughf as w ell as woik.
flhaney and .Miss Rose Dockery. went
- the Agrlcuitnral Col*
Mrs. E. B. Dennis and her little lege. The women's section, which
niece, Bethel Phelps, who have been will be held on the afternoon of Novisiting in York State all summer vember 30, will be conducted by Mrs.
ilattie Kennedy,of Muskegon county
- are a
Uiis tne Kiosmg ot Es.retla Kennedy,a
veteran organization.
suilerer you should weigh well these
Wonderful! Marvelous!
married woman ul the same 1,0 wuonip.
W e have added to o u r L a r g e Stcck of
Words: A person who neglects his
- S u n d a y