Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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  • won the Presidency with approximately three times the popular voteedge held by Kennedy In 1960 when he won over Nixon - p r o viding just that much more of a " m a n d a t e " from the people 0 Still LEADER & KALKASKIAN Kalkaska, Michigan f e a r
  • by air Saturday morning for California where she will visit her son and family Mr. and Mrs, S, E, Nelhardt and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Don Kennedy and f a m ily. Mr, and Mrs. Gary Montgomery and family were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Paul Inglerlght
  • Bradley Lee Lewis, 48, 19, of South B o a r d m a n w a s two Kennedy were reportedly of B i g R a p i d s w a s o r d e r e d o r d e r e d to pay $ 3 5 0 in fines d a u g h t e r s got o u t o f t h e i r t r e a t e d at O M H in G a y l o r d
  • -president Roosevelt ws« dead had proved true. They might have squeezed a t e a r out of one eye, but t h e other would have winked gleefully. J . S. Kennedy, a New York man who died a few days ago gave $25,000,000 to various charitable institutions. He cut
  • this quiet ofliee was to lie rucli of ealls t h a t nitn-i alt* ml a n d Fitzgerald arc working in accord, Walter Kennedy. the scene of danger — and resolute eomlial a n y |»iil>lie e i n c r g e n e y . which involves no surrender on either Cecil Formea