Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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  • the week. Estell Willes was a guest of Erma Kennedy at the Sandy Pines Christmas dinner party. SINCE 1909 E.G. King of Blue Lake has been trapping, pitting his skill against the skill of the animals he traps. He started trapping when he was five years old
  • their perference for Carter or Kennedy. That is less than six percent of the number of people who would have voted in an open Democratic primary. Word has it that most of the 41,717 were from the Detroit area representing special labor interests. • As a former
  • 1 starrinu "ROAD TO HONG KONG" Margaret Rutherford and A r t h u r Kennedy starrinn SUN. • MON.. JULY 10-16 Bob Hope • Joan Collins Biiuj Crosby also "MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE" WATER WIZARDS KINGS OF T H E OUTDOORS COLOR CARTOON
  • a t i n circular head hand-. week e n d s in K a l k a s k a c o u n t y ' s m a t e h i n u Observe Natl. Sehool Lunch Week October 13-19 President Kennedy and Governor Rotnney recently proclaimed October 13-I9 as the second annual national