993 results
- and if we are to take
advantage of this original idea
and capitalze on it we must have a
volunteer right away. Be sure to
get your affairs in order before
making application.
/ s / Foster McCool
P.S. An invitation was sent to
Senator Edward Kennedy thinkint
- of a baby girl born
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy and
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dick and May 19 at the Osteopathic hospital
Allen E. Ryckman motored to Mrs. Maude Neihardt visited in in Traverse City.
Gladwin Sunday.
Traverse City Tuesday.
Fife Lake Civic Club
- visitors of Well
ington Ryckman.
itora of Mr. and Mrs. Art Tosler
Alien and Wellington Ryckman and Mrs. Susan Dick. Mrs. Nei
were Sunday dinner guests ot hardt remained with the ToslenSamuel Kennedy family.
[for a longer stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Ryckman
- Kennedy Is
; i s h e :hall be praised." Proverbs meeting will be at t h e Norman
W e are busy with review* work ing a few days In Gladwin 11118 - 31 30.
in Geography.
Anderson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Jenkins and
Benny has gone
for a two M " „.,1 Mvc I
- was a Kalkaska
Arthur Myers home,
caller Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and two
T h e little son of Mr. a n d Mrs. J o e
daughters of Kalamazoo w e r e recent
Voice is convalescing f r o m his serguests of Mr. and^Mrs. P. N. Sterne.
ious illness.
Mrs. Kennedy