Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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993 results

  • for : Z i » r " ™n lleimblta.,, leaders at a oi Kalkaska County, to Mr. Don ,, y h , nrilf crnment who made these infam was also the birthday anniversary sale. T h e r e will also be a fish " ' , 1 '" " - ^ c l a l meeting to l.e held In ahl A. Kennedy
  • . NIGHT SUPPER, KALKASKA by Sen. Charleni trip. N a t i o n s Capital The Michigan legislator la'.ed I I I K & l k d S k d jf you drive over -m miles per The Scenic Trails Council (4,-i A-3c Charles E. Kennedy son Potter and Rep. Miss Ruth The next meeting
  • Brown. FORICLOtURI thia locality attended a party a t Mr. and Mrs. Victor Woodg r n a . Marsh. 1171 spring b a f u n r and bake anle a t ! E l h e | Kennedy. Goldle Colborn. hama and Mra. Julia Woodhama t h e KUtlo home in F i f e Lake Publlahed Every T
  • agents In the United States num-j Tuwday-Wednesday-ThurKday December 10-11-12 tiered some 4,500., Because he frankly opposes' the MICKEY ROONEY and JUDY GARLAND United States entering the war i —In— Ambassador Joseph Kennedy. American envoy al London, has
  • or of any Interest therein as appear ing by t h e records in the office at t h e Register of Deeds of said County. dec.l9,«.Jan.M G. Donald Kennedy —recently advanced to the head order be served of the state highway department F R A N K CRITCl'"'forc ,t
  • is pleasefl ited t o t a k e part. So brush up which are suppoBedly for expense missioner G. Donald Kennedy this with t h e fine reaction on the part on your hobby and come to the promotions in accountB on the State Highway. week announced of teachers, board
  • of national defense, L. Fesesnden. Mrs. C1 e s s o n City, with Evangelist A. B Petoskey or T r a v e r s e City opera weather," said Kennedy. "If snow but even dares to refuse to obey Schretir. Mrs. W. C. Hewitt. Mrs. "ley. of Detroit, speaking tors, which
  • Kennedy of Castro Valley of California and Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Husk of Royal Oak were also visitors at Mrs. Maude Neihardt's. Callers at the Zella Campbell home were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hurlburt of Rapid River, also Burdena Klein of Moorstown and Garnet
  • , is serving aboard the a i r c r a f t c a r r i e r USS John F , Kennedy In the M e d i t e r r a n e a n . The JFK recently hosted a twoday tour by the Honorable S a r gent S h r i v e r , UJS, Ambassador to F r a n c e , M r s , Eunice Kennedy S h r i v e