993 results
- and
report a fine time.
' Yvonne were Sunday callers of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lennox leti ihe Arthur Hart family and the
J Monday for Chicago before leav- Jim Jones' of Garfield.
j ing for their home in IntorlochMr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy
j e n Florida
- Kennedy.
their money."
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Myers and Mr.
and Mrs. Otho McCullen were Traverse
City callers one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howe of ManUB
celona visited Mr. and Mrs. Ford
Munn Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Nelhardt callMr. and Mrs
T h e m e m b e r s of t h e E a s t Boardson t h a n this. Governor Fitzgerald these projects. E v e r y m s n , w o m s n ful t o add t h e word "net".
guest at the TFIlter Kennedy home. m a n c h u r c h wish to t h a n k those w h o
should be r e