993 results
- of their program
Thelma Strahan, Myrtle Vallad,
Kennedy of Anchorage, Alaska, from Kalkaska's Beetles.
ing. No injuries, extensive dam- of recent date.
Mina Winter and Louise WoodMrs. Raymond (Jean) Gassel of
age to car and building.
The profits from this assembly
- , Pauld- useless cars - garage - weeds Dale Kennedy, executive secretary of the Michigan Education Judy McCooO^of 6615 Templeton, fttmbles and the l o c a l s lost two son, Mrs. John Meadows and in- Phoenix, Arizona. This man was ing, Ohio, Lot 14
- of T r a v e r s e City. Other
deacons will be Leonard Kitson,
203 N. C h e r r y St. and Walter
Kennedy of 107 2nd St. Head
deaconess: M r s . Rose Nagy of
105 Lincoln St., other deacone s s e s : M r s , Janet Vipond, 112
4th St., M r s , Phinette
- omlc River), and the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing, we t a l k ed with Representatives Harvey
and Grlffen and were thrilled to
s e e Senator Ted Kennedy,
Wliile at the Center there w e r e
always things to do. Different
days we liad workshops where
- . James (Patr i c i a ) Gaylord of Ypsllanti, M r s .
Ed (Gwen) Kennedy of Sibley,
Iowa and M a r g a r e t L. Coy of
Chicago. F u n e r a l a r r a n g e m e n t s
were handled by Paullin F u n e r a l
Home, Mancelona,
- 0 -
Peoples Church News
Sunday, D