Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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993 results

  • the final resting places of Robert and John F. Kennedy and the significance of the eternal flame at the grave of the former president. At the next stop, one boy played a soldier, marching before and keeping watch over the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier while
  • BLOOD DISEASES CURED Photography. In all its Branches. Myron Harcourt. JAMES GREACEN. Fire Insurance D S KENNEDY& KERGAN R 15 Old Line Companies, L }jj i | oX James Greacen's Real Estate Agency. Build a H o m e ? Business Building!' Farms
  • ; Harry Voice; John J. Kennedy, zone Organization Manager; Pontiac Motor Division; Don Roab, zone S e r v i c e Manager; and G.B. Davenspike, a s s t . zone Manager Chevrolet Motor Division. Unable to be present at the c e r e m o n i e s w e r e r e p r e
  • , Sec. 1?, T27N, R7W (Kal- Daily except Sunday and Holidays j] ) e U H e d . offenalve Job getting 15 points. Hours: 9:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M... Construction of a 50 foot by kaska Twp.) JOHN F. KENNEDY Mancelona did not get their fast Phones: Dayc, 258
  • Foley, K. Kennedy; Lot 13, Blk E Traverse City. Vehicle was eastChippewa Beach. Leonard I. J a m e s and Cather- bound on 612, going up steep hill, ine A. his wife to Bryan J. road icy, vehicle slid off road Romberg and wife Valerie A.| struck metal
  • , Glenn Raupe, A. Kennedy, all of Washington, D. C.! *«Wcks and •Farmers Clubs, Community Clubs, County Agricultural Agent Roy Fillmore, Melvln Krumlauf, booka to the Michigan State Library. will be discussed at this meeting will The Plymouth had the front