Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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  • happenings On Sunday Mable Neihardt and daughter, Joan Kennedy from California called on Mrs. Maude Neihardt. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bushong Jr., and son of Traverse City and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Aldridge of South Boardman were dinner guests of Mrs. Maude Neihardt
  • guilty of GUIL. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail, fined $640, placed on probation for 18 months and must successfully complete outpatient counseling. Pamela Alyce Kennedy, 809 Frankfort Avenue, Elberta, was found guilty of OWI. She was fined $580
  • Program Assistant. Attendees tour many historical sites, such as Gettysburg, Pcnn., Washington, D.C., sites such as the Kennedy C e n t e r , Lincoln Memorial and Arlington National Cemetery. The 4-H'ers also attend workshop sessions that focus on American