993 results
- . Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King.
Needless to say, I found myself
slightly appalled and a bit disgusted the
evening of May 7, when I flipped on the
tube and was greeted by the 25th anniversary celebration of Playboy Enterprises, a star
- School anytions Committee,
I time.
T h e opening session at f>:00
featured a talk by Dr. E. Dale SPECIAL NOTICE
Kennedy, stave official of th"
T h e L a d i e s V F W A u x i l i a r y Si'.vl
'.M.E.A.. who explained pendlnir
affects on w
- e t , honoring our l a t e
^ Receipts and Balance
907.50 P r e s i d e n t , John F. Kennedy. On
a roll call vote with T r u s t e e
Jtomer P r o g r a m
Rowell voting " A y e " and T r u s iJWng Rink
t e e s Webb, Schnieder
- nightly at 7:30
Saturday Only (wo shows 7 & 9
Dec. 25 - 31
Thu. thru Wed
Rated PG
-oC o f f o c h o u s e s wt-rr onLhc-scctu* in t h e New World
c o l o n i e s as early as IWMi, h u l
t h e b r e w ' s p
- Neihardt went to
her d a u g h t e r ' s home. Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Peck. From there she
will leave for her d a u g h t e r ' s
home in Detroit. (Mr. and Mrs.
Irvin Husk). She expects to fly to
visit Mr. and Mrs. Don Kennedy
in Castro Valley. California