993 results
- , Ki Mintiiiu •! ;iii»l Attsoiutelj
Pcrffci-l-'itiiiiij fapi-r i'atterua.
Friccs Reasonable
K & K
K & K
K & K
K & K
All SiMim Alitmvd and PrrforatkMW show
tlic Bdstinu and Srwino linei.
Only K. nml l i t.vnl'i fat
were re elected as follows: President,
A. E. P a l m e r ; cashier, II. D. Wballey.
Directois—A. E. Palmer. W. C F r e e
—Mrs. Mary Kennedy died of con
man, E. B. Babcock, W. Lewis, G. F .
sumption, at her home in Clearwater
Bow, W. H. Bockes, II. B
- n e p h e w . Gerald
Kennedy of Detroit: 3 grand-
• *
> •
7 . 4 . ^ f . h Coming
* J.AM
Revive the original beauty
of your rugs. Cleaned In
your own home
by Yon Schrader
dry-foam method.
No muss. No fuss.
No odor
- an hour, e f fective in 1968, and extending
its c o v e r a g e . "
Other eminent authorities hold
a like view. P r o f e s s o r J a m e s
Tobin, who v a s a member of P r esident Kennedy's Council of Economic Advisers, recently wrote,
"People who lack
- , and Mrs, Artemas Cooper
Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Kennedy at their cottage on Hart Rd. SunIn every type of hunting, young
of Gladwin called at the Sey- day,
of the year always outnumber the
mour Ryckman home on WedMr, and Mrs. Andrew Hendadults