Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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993 results

  • DIES IN CALIFORNIA Death a Shock to liOcal Residents. P. M. Kennedy of Ohio was f i n e d $10.00 and costs of $4.40 f o r having under-sized blue gills in his possession, h a v i n g c a u g h t them a t Kittle Lake. O f f i c e r s Hicking
  • of their present terms, compared with a typical corporate pension for same number of years of service— Senators Edward Kennedy (D-Maw.) Donald Riegie (D-Mich.) Darnel Inouye (D-Hawaii) John Tower (R-Tex.) Bob Dole (R-Kans.) Made Andrewt (R-N.D.) Lowell Weicker (R
  • would men in their position risk their c a r e e r s for a few bucks or a bedmate? It didn't m a k e sense. When J F K was president, I heard from a woman who lived in the neighborhood of the Kennedy home in P a l m Beach that JFK was known to give
  • for the celebrities who were in town for the event. I was very excited about this and felt it to be about the best position I could possibly hold at the games. Where else would 1 ever have the opportunity to meet so many well-known personalities? Eunice Kennedy
  • - A painting of late President John F. Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline Kennedy was stolen from a Pitz Road residence. The theft was reported to K C S D Deputy Richard Ford July 25. The value o f the painting is unknown, but has great sentimental importance
  • u c t e d by the Leader Range firing all of Kalkaska. Locally, p r o p a n e pricing varies f r o m $ 1 , 3 9 9 per gallon t o $ 1 , 9 9 9 per Kennedy Lauryn A r s n o e on Friday. E x p l a i n i n g the price d i f f e r e n c e , o n e d e