Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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  • afternoon. The community r e g r e t s the p a s s i n g of Mr. Cecil Kennedy of T o r c h River Road Sunday night. B a k e d Goods ANDERSON'S BAKERY F resh Baked Daily HOME MADE BREAD Buttermilk Fried Cakes Sweet Rolls - Cookies - Pies - Pastries
  • -Off game in M i a m i . Florida, a n d tour C a p e Kennedy and the Air S p a c e Museum. W h e n y o u r e g i s t e r you also get a free T i p s Book w h i c h is l o a d e d w i t h s t o r i e s and t i p s on p u n t i n g , passing a n d k i c k
  • wear (15%). The Little Miss Kalkaska (ages 6 - 8 ) talent competition began with Aleeghan Kennedi Nason, who perSee CROWNED, page 8A Courtesy Photo Robert J a m e s W o o d Wood arrested for assault SOUTH BOARDMAN — Robert James Wood, 18, of South
  • to the ferries; sometimes many "lesser lights" who operato Jig 1 danced with Phil Kennedy, or re- wont." i: Mil! r » M» nrn/iKil, U:ilkiisUat Mich. 44 H'' "Ii-« Mil 'ii ii'i' i'ulilif It'illiliiiis a s|t'M'l:ill.v. Father, dear, you dun't understand swifter
  • Kennedy returned to her home Thursday after spending fcepttwsfi folol loxes, collecfsd in several weeks with her daughter •Kt UnHed Stoles by Psdtrol Stole and family at Bay City. and locol (counllei, citits) Govtr* Sir. and Mrs. Herbert Etzcorn menu
  • CommiBRioner Donald Kennedy in 1943 and was re-elected twice t h e r e a f t e r to four-year terms. Ziegler was re-elected by a staggering majority over Councilman Eugene 1. VanAntwerp, f o r m e r Detroit mayor. Other winners, all Republicans, a r e
  • - CIRCLE ONE Kennedy. K.-b K. Y M Home Kc » luh 'lien again It may be guilt." After t h e business meeting re- Bertha Hansen. Bernlce Tinker B , . n t l . d t u l h o Tosiers for the | After the business was 'aken FVh. 17 Circle 3. freshments of jello
  • . Brownwood was featured in the magazines " F a v o r i t e Recipes From F a m ous R e s t a u r a n t s " section, in an article •written by Ford Times writer Nancy Kennedy. Accompanying the feature was a color illustration of the Brownwood F a r m h o u s e