Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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  • their daughter. Mrs. E s t h e r Jones, w a s confined to G r a c e Hospital in Detroit wilii pneumonia. Mrs. Ethel Kennedy. Mrs l l u f h T o w n s e n d and -on. tiregory. and Mrs. Freda Tho.nc left W e d n e s d a y for Flint 'o spend t h e weekend. p a t t e
  • Kennedy [ S:30—Dollar A Second j 11:00—The Passerby Wednaiday 4:15—Sign On 4:30—Howdy oDody , 5:00—Deputy Don 5:30—Wild Uill Elliott 6:00—News 6:15—Sands of Time 6:30 Sports Today 6:40—Weather U:45 News Caravan 7:00— Cherry la nd Varieties 7:30—Holler