Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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993 results

  • the East Boardman community gathered at the Rowe School House Thursday evening. May 18, in honor of the Samuel Kennedy, Charles McNair and Stanley Courtnay families. Mrs. Courtnay is completing a year of teaching in the Kalkaska Elementary School
  • of pro* B. S . H o w e , Kennedy's h a i r stood on end and the v i c t i m to into: lug liquors, and sphere may extinguish tlie candlc. OfHce that the Collector has received found cogitation'one of them wrote: ATTORNEY A U w and HOI.lt irOR IN ClIAVT
  • a t : A singb* treatment of of local f a n s a r e expected to patient of Meadowbrook hospital Mr and Mrs S a m u e l Kennedy four children. Sherry. Delores. b e r g to 11. Dean Gelger. son of follow t h e t e a m to Grayling. Bellalre. o f South
  • Sharp Fife Lake m // SCHOOL The nurse visited us for a lilBy Mra. Oscar Anderson itle while today. l»re spending this week with ieMr. and Mrs. L. I). BelliiiRer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kennedy! hitives In Saginaw. Mrs. Harvey Saldla. Mrs. CharKathy won
  • of claims and demnn ls against said do- W a l t e r Kennedy brought their decorKalkaska. ceased. ; atlons. At a session of said Court, held at It is Further Ordered. That public F i f t h and Sixth Grades the Probate Office hi the Village of n o t i c e
  • fifty of the week. Company, at Kennedy, Wis,, and has years ago, and its remarkable growth Mr. H. Hay ward weijt to Nebraska, removed to that place. " H e r b . " is an since. Many beautiful instrumental and last week. He expects to be absent experienced
  • claimed in the p tst olfice at Kalkaska Mich, for the week ending Oct. 1,1808: Mrs. Ladisa Broit. J . C. Carcher, C. F. Don, Mrs. Belle Davis (2), F. Fow ler, Mrs. Frank Green, Thos. Qaskill. Mrs. Lula Halt, J . J . Johnson, Chaek Kennedy, Charles Damonun
  • , electric M i a , all laUad. I waa diaconraged. t bad apant bnadrada of dollara ia vaia. Finally I cooaniied Dra. Kennedy h Kergan aa tbo laal raaert. I had beard a groat deal about Ibeaa and coacladed from tbo fact that ihey bad boon oatabliabcd ovei