Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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993 results

  • . Kennedy A Kergun nn tbo I a si r o u i l . I bud bi'md a Kieul c daal about Ihnni and concluded f r o m the fart UIMI lliry bad boon •aiabliabadover s ) yaarstliat tbey underaiood their biuiuenN. 1 am delialitad with the ranulu. In one waek I felt bHler
  • as t h e symptoms Indicate, 'Mir Isrvv Mrlbt.l in o n y i u a l and has litood the tent for twenty-live >tars. 0RS KENNEDY& K R A EGN ( 4 8 Shelby Street, - DETROIT, MICH. Dr. King's New Discovery 'ONSUMPTION OUQHS and fmC JOLOS Pries BOcMt.OO
  • hKIII, knowlfd^t* and succeKH of Having received the tax roll for withal. i>rB. Kennedy A K«T>'un. Wo m v. r hold out laise ho|M'H( wu ni'ver i Itesi for the village of Kalkaska, Mich undcrtako a easo wc cannot run-. Wt* have made so (lioroush a study I
  • mo to consult Drs. Kennedy and Kerasn, as he toad k fc taken treatment from them himself and j * and skillful. He wrote them and got the New M ® l '' 0
  • i . 'K hy in ftiavk and /•»/; Shatlrs ofor Canton Applira ftun. •:, tin V-v : J L U ^ U I _ > .. ' T « f i c e 0 : , ' . (Dj h/.: CONSENT, PRIVATE, NO 9 Crs. Kennedy & Kergan, 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT. MICN. Endured Death's
  • t i a l . 1 | assistanef shown us and onr d e p a n e d change fiom tin pick and Hhov(d,iD'l DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, bhclby^TBEET,^ add tniUMnil interest to the Cong is. during the sickness and burial ol our son and beloved Inolher. Also lor - ^ t'o