993 results
- . Varicocele, Stricture, Sypb•j,H. ttlcet, Weak |>aJrtM»ont)rr|Mi*a and r'Jim iturai DlHchartfe** CouHultatiou Pro*.
Buolts Free. Write l«r yuettloii L>at fo Hume Treatmcai.
1 4 8 SHELBY S T R E E T ,
Ors. Kennedy & Kergan,
From now ujitil
- . B u n k
• S e c u r i t y . Beware of qnacka-Coasalt old established,
' reliable physicians.
Consultation Free. B o o k s
F r e e . Write for Question Blank for Bome Treatment.
Ore. Kennedy A Kergan,
148 e H E L B Y
K & K
K & «
X & K
- . and M r s . W.R. Kennedy of
Mrs. C l a r e Hager called on Kalkaska were Sunday dinner guM r s . Mae Jeneks Wednesday, e s t s of Mr. and M r s . E a r l Walters
Mr, and M r s , Lawton Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Aldrldge
were in Grand Rapids Wednes
- , Marie Custer, Cecelia Day,
Jenn Dell, Cherese Donnelly,
Wayne Parr, Leann Floyd, Charlie
Gunning, Stephanie Hammond,
Heather Hawkins, John Hine,
Merrie Hutchins, Jodi Johnston,
Michelle Kahnt, Teresa Keaton,
Kellie Kennedy, Maria Krcek, Scott
Light, Lisa
- Langdon Bridenbaugli of Blue Lake; and Mrs.
Clarence Pitman of Cambridge
City, Indiana,
Making headlines in every paper all over the Nation, was
that of President Kennedy's a s sassination. Alsi
making the
h e a d l i n e s was that Mr, and Mrs
- to abolish the the 1976 equalization report as from the State Department of
batteries; #5593, film supplies Senator Kennedy, Senate Office
present Kalkaska County Zoning presented. Seconded by Lloyd Education will provide special
#5588, uniform supplies
Mr. D a n a Rushong visited at College, hclp-d to set up t h r e e
1 Arthur Tosiers
M onday
a f t e r - lime d e m o n s t i a i i o n plots i n t h e
F o s t e r McCool f a r m . T h r v e tons
S a m u e l Kennedy went to Reed of l i n