Kalkaska County Library Local History Collection

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993 results

  • - - ON U.S. 131 bough for the music and singing, BOARDMAN ROAD PHONE 369-7111 the members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Mr.and Mrs. IS AN Schwartz and the pallbearers. AUTHORIZED DEALER OF FUEL GAS Everything was done so beautifully, Walter Kennedy
  • of lowT h e Seniors wish to thank In the I. O. O. F. hall Tuesdsy McLain was cited a s an excelbidders. State l l i f h w a v Commis- lent set shooter and opponents their many friends who attended evening. April 8. All members of sioner ('< Donald Kennedy
  • to mon. I n t e r m e n t was made in the children were born. Mrs. W. P. Huff- t> 1 v 1 1 -i. 1 took a sleigh ride Tuesday evening of and Mrs. Dean Lewis and d a u g h t e r ' Paul Kennedy, baritone, banjo, saxo- Mr. Fleming of Rapid C.ty for a carLodi
  • advice, all Inif . Hion K e l e c t a director on the ter, State Highway Commissioner for the listening! qualifications and then G. Donald Kennedy •his week Worship service 11:4S to 12:4S. baf.ls o ( A cordial welcome la extended vLined motorists
  • called on Mrs. Nelhardtand Mrs, June 30 - July 7 Barber Friday, Sunday Dr, and Mrs. Dushong of Will9:30 Sunday School iamsburg, Mrs. Mible Nelhardt 11:00 Morning Worship - Rev, and daughter Joan Kennedy of Crippen will speak Castro VaUey, CA,, Mr,and Mrs
  • wonderful," said Emma Kennedy from her hospital bed as she found out ihe name of a Kalkaska man who she liad callcd by mistake. "A perfect stranger saved my lifp. Thai's wonderful!" The 82-year old woman who lives alone in an apartmeni was nol feeling well